
How to use first line indent in word
How to use first line indent in word

how to use first line indent in word

If the current tab is Line and Page Breaks, you need to select the Indents and Spacing tab.

how to use first line indent in word

If the current tab is Indents and Spacing, there is no need to select it. Select the paragraph that you want to set, right-click the selected paragraph, and select Paragraph in the pop-up menu to open the Paragraph window. How to create a first line indent in Wordġ. After text input or copying, select them and set the first line indentation uniformly. Since Word can set the first line indentation, when inputting or copying text into Word, there is no need to enter a space on the first line.

how to use first line indent in word

The first line of each paragraph protrudes by 0.5 inches, and the other lines are indented by 0.5 inches. In addition to the above indentation, there is also Hanging Indentation, which is exactly the opposite of the First Line Indentation. In addition to the indentation that can be set at the beginning of each paragraph, it can be set for the entire paragraph and the entire document setting indentation for the entire document is actually to set the size of the document page, which will be involved in subsequent chapters. The Spaces is called indentation in Word. To make it easier to read, there are some spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.

How to use first line indent in word